Hello, my name is Mary Anne and I want to share something about myself. I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit having owned a medical transcription service for many years and along the way developed a passion for health and wellness over the years.

Fortunately, the Internet has allowed us to learn to create a good life online. Nothing has been more enjoyable to me than being my own boss, creating something that I have been proud of and then deciding to embark on a journey to help others achieve the same freedom and success. I also dabbled in network marketing as I have a love of people and from there I discovered internet marketing.

My reason for starting this blog is to detail my journey into the world of internet marketing. This has been an interesting venture to say the least. There has been so much I have learned and I feel confident that I can help others.

What I have really learned first and foremost is having the right mindset and just being consistent with a daily method of operation each and every single day. You will experience ups and downs–NO DOUBT! The secret is TAKING ACTION!

Having a mentor has been the BEST decision I ever made. I was almost certainly the queen of shiny object syndrome and I bought course after course that all provided great training but I felt like I could not learn how to put it all together. The last course I purchased led me to John Thornhill and his Partnership to Success Program. This really resonated with me and finally helped me ditch the shiny object syndrome.  I feel that I am on the road to learning to help others attain their dreams.

My children are grown, and I now finally have the time to devote to my own desire of being the best internet marketer that I can ever be.

This is absolutely the best training right here.



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