The key to success with any form of online marketing is to find the best value for your money. The best way to do this is to look at what other people are doing and then find out how much they are spending. If they are spending $10,000 per month on marketing then you should be spending that amount too. However, if they are spending $500 per month then you should be spending half that amount.
The key to finding the best value for your money is to find a few examples of other marketers who have succeeded online and then find out how much money they are spending on marketing. Once you know how much other people are spending then you can determine how much you should be spending.
For example, let’s say that you want to make money online selling affiliate products. You go to ClickBank and find some products that other people are promoting. Then you visit the websites of these successful affiliates and find out how much they are paying for advertising.
Now you know that if you want to succeed in this business then you need to spend at least $100 per day on advertising. However, you don’t have that kind of money so you decide to spend $50 per day. Now you need to figure out where you are going to spend that money.
You could pay for advertising on Google AdWords or you could pay for advertising on Facebook. Both of these methods cost money. So you need to figure out which method will give you the best return on investment. For example, if you pay $50 per day on Google AdWords then you would get 50 clicks per day. That means that you would get about 100 visitors per day. If you get 100 visitors per day then you would make $1,000 per day.
On the other hand, if you paid $50 per day on Facebook then you would get 5 clicks per day. That means you would get about 25 visitors per day. If you got 25 visitors per day then you would only make $100 per day.
So you see that it doesn’t matter whether you spend $50 per day on Google or $50 per day on Facebook because you will not make as much money from each method. In fact, you will lose money on Facebook since you would only make $100 instead of $1,000 per day on Google.
So the key to determining how much you should be spending is to find out how much other people are spending and then find out how much you can afford to spend. If you are willing to spend $50 per day on Facebook and $50 per day on Google then you will be able to make $100 per day.
How much money do you think you should spend as a beginner?
marketing, online marketing, e-commerce, Internet Marketing, Social Media