It is quite difficult to find mobile apps that can be used for online marketing. Most of the applications available are only useful for a limited time and cannot be used for long periods. So, it is important to choose the right app to make your business grow. There are many websites that offer a list of mobile apps for online marketing.  It can be so much fun learning all about mobile apps for your online business.

These sites also provide a brief description of each application.

1. Facebook

Facebook is one of the most popular social networking websites. It is a great tool for online marketing. You can create a fan page on Facebook. This page will allow you to connect with other people and post updates about your business. It is also a great way to advertise your products and services. Facebook allows you to send messages to your fans. You can also share videos, pictures, and links. The best part is that Facebook has over 900 million users. You can reach out to these users easily.

2. Twitter

Twitter is another social networking website. It allows you to post short messages called tweets. You can use this application to promote your products and services. You can tweet about your business, upcoming events, or anything else that you want to communicate. Your tweets will be seen by thousands of people. You can also connect with people who have similar interests. You can also share videos and images.

3. Google+

Google+ is an updated version of the Google search engine. It is a social network that allows you to share videos, photos, and articles. You can also share links, comments, and messages with your friends. You can also connect with other people who share your interests. This application is very easy to use. You can also share content from any website.

4. Pinterest

Pinterest is another social networking website. This site is used to share pictures and videos. You can create boards for different categories such as fashion, recipes, and home decor. You can also share pictures with your friends. You can follow other people’s boards.

5. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional networking website. You can connect with people who have similar jobs, educational background, and interests. You can also connect with business professionals. You can also create groups and post updates.

6. YouTube

YouTube is a video sharing website. You can upload videos and share them with your friends. You can even create your own channel and start posting videos. You can also subscribe to other channels and view their videos.

7. Instagram

Instagram is another photo sharing website. You can upload pictures and share them with your friends and followers. You can also share videos.

8. Tumblr

Tumblr is a blogging website. You can create blogs and post content. You can also share pictures, videos, and articles.

9. Foursquare

Foursquare is a location based social networking website. You can share your location with your friends and followers.

10. Vine

Vine is a video sharing website. It allows you to share videos up to 60 seconds in length.

Let me know what you think!!!

Social Networking Website, Social Media Marketing, Business Marketing, Online Marketing

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Mary Anne LaJoie
Mary Anne LaJoie

It has been a longtime passion of mine to learn all about internet marketing and become as proficient as I can to eventually help others pursue this path.

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